With colder weather fast upon us, isn’t now the right time to get your residential or commercial heating or cooling system inspected to ensure optimum performance for the months ahead?
Tropic Air has long been regarded as the expert contractor for residential air conditioning and heating services in the Greater Toronto Area, and we’ve served thousands of satisfied customers since 1992 – and are honored to attract new clients every day.
What makes us different from the competition? Maybe it’s our commitment to outstanding customer service, or getting the job – any job – done right, the first time.
Our highly trained and experienced staff provides customized residential air conditioning and heating service to fit any budget and situation. Whether you just need tips on how to keep your air conditioning unit free of debris, or don’t fully understand the benefits of regularly changing your unit’s air filter, give us a call, visit us in person, or shoot us a quick email – we’d be happy to answer all of your questions.
The key to our success during these challenging economic times is a commitment to customer service, quality work at a reasonable price, and listening to our customers.
Unlike some competitors, we’re of the opinion that you, as the customer, knows your needs better than we do, so we follow your lead and plan the project accordingly. Part of our process is an onsite inspection so we understand what work needs to be done, whether it’s installing a new system or providing maintenance for an existing unit.
What are you waiting for?